A rural community in both geography and character. Travelling through town you will marvel at the rolling hills and the many streams and creeks which form the headwaters of three rivers; – the Humber and Credit that flow to Lake Ontario and the Nottawasaga that bends north to Georgian Bay. Additionally, Mono forms a portion of the headwaters of the Grand River, which flows to Lake Erie. This gives rise to the Town’s slogan, ‘the heart of the headwaters‘.
Mono is best known for its spectacular landscape of escarpment, villages and tree-covered rolling hills. The UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve designated Niagara Escarpment informs the character of town providing breathtaking views. With our kilometres of trails you will find yourself invigorated by our natural beauty, rejuvenated by our boundless recreational opportunities and inspired by our eclectic artisans.
The Town of Mono is situated in south-central Ontario, Canada, at the south-east corner of County of Dufferin, just north of Caledon and northeast of Orangeville. It stretches from Highway 9 along its southern border to Highway 89 along its northern border. Its border to the west is with the Township of Amaranth and in the east it is bordered by the Township of Adjala-Tosorontio.
– Town of Mono