Located in the Headwaters of Canada’s Heritage River, the Grand River, within the County of Dufferin, the land area defined as the Corporation of the Township of Amaranth is occupied by a diversity of landscape features, rivers, wetlands, wildlife and, most importantly, residents with a strong pride in the sustainability of their community.
The Township is a cosmopolitan of neighbourhoods and hamlets, like Laurel and Waldemar, nestled amongst a strong and vibrant agricultural community, surrounded by the towns of Orangeville, Grand Valley and Shelburne. Also within commuting distance of large urban centres, such as Toronto, Brampton, Guelph, Kitchener, Waterloo, Alliston, Barrie and Collingwood, Amaranth offers enjoyment year-round.
“Immortal Amaranth” wrote Milton in his “Paradise Lost” poem, for the never-fading flower of the poets, probably led to the naming of this Township.
–Township of Amaranth